We offer consultations by highly qualified professionals and unique treatments with innovative laser equipment of the leading manufacturers.

We offer consultations by highly qualified professionals and unique treatments with innovative laser equipment of the leading manufacturers, such as Lumenis M22, CO2RE, Alexandrite lasers, as well as top quality injections and state-of-art technologies, e.g. Allergan, Belotero Merc, RegenLab PRP etc.

Laser treatments may replace a number of surgical interventions that way reducing recovery time which is a very important factor for today’s busy lifestyle. It also contributes to less traumatic and painful resolution of most of the health issues. Every client in our clinic first receives a complex consultation that is necessary to assess and eliminate any potential risks. The knowledge and experience of our competent doctors combined with the latest laser technologies and most up-to-date injection techniques will guarantee an appropriate solution and individual approach for every client. Today, it is the right laser technology, appropriate injection techniques and experience of highly qualified specialists that altogether help to achieve the best result in the shortest period of time and with minimal recovery time. This combination can be called the key to success.

At AIWA ESTHETIC clinic, we can afford to offer you the best!

Kāpēc izvēlēties AIWA Esthetic


Vadošo ārstu zināšanas un pieredze apvienojumā ar visjaunākajām lāzertehnoloģijām un modernākajām injekciju metodēm dos iespēju atrast optimālu risinājumu un individuālu pieeju katram klientam.


Uz šo dienu tikai pareiza lāzertehnoloģija kopā ar atbilstošām injekciju metodēm un augsti kvalificētu speciālistu pieredzi ļauj sasniegt maksimālo rezultātu īsā laika posmā un ar minimālu atlabšanas periodu. Tieši šo apvienojumu var nosaukt par veiksmes formulu.


Mūsu klīnikā katrs klients saņem kompleksu konsultāciju, kas īpaši nepieciešama iespējamo risku izvērtēšanai un novēršanai.

Pārstāvētie ražotāji un iekārtas

Augstākās kvalitātes injekciju preparāti un tehnoloģijas no vadošajiem ražotājiem
vadošo kompāniju ražotas lāzeriekārtas